
Finding Balance and Happiness as a Student-Athlete

Finding Balance and Happiness as a Student-Athlete

Many young adults and teens find it hard to manage their lives whether it be sports, school, a social life, or time for self care.…

Unique Sports from Around the World

Unique Sports from Around the World

Everyone knows about basketball, baseball, football, and soccer. These are the main sports that are given media attention and are appreciated by many around the…

All’s Well When The Team Is Well

All’s Well When The Team Is Well

Being kind to your teammates has benefits that expand past just the emotional well-being of the whole team. Not only can it improve the dynamic,…

LGBTQ+ Athletes and Why Representation in Sports Matters

On June 28th, 1969, police raided a local bar in Manhattan that served as a safe place for the queer and trans community. The protests…

College Sports Recruitment’s Link to Wealth

College sports recruitment favors white suburban athletes. A student’s chances of getting a spot on a college sports team is greatly affected by their parents’…

Ableism in Sports

Ableism in sports is a prevalent issue that often goes unacknowledged. Ableism is the discrimination against mentally or physically disabled people. Many disabled athletes report…

3 Careers in Sports Medicine

3 Careers in Sports Medicine

There are many ways to get involved in sports medicine. This article includes some careers that people who are interested in sports medicine may pursue!…

Spotlighting Asian American and Pacific Islander Athletes

Spotlighting Asian American and Pacific Islander Athletes

Asian American and Pacific Islander athletes have impacted their community immensely. As May celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage, the purpose of this article…

4 Flexibility Routines To Try At Home

4 Flexibility Routines To Try At Home

Stretching before and after exercising is a crucial part of injury prevention. According to Healthline, “While professionals disagree over whether it’s better to stretch before…

Celebrating Earth Day: The Benefits of Exercising in Nature

Celebrating Earth Day: The Benefits of Exercising in Nature

Nature is one of Earth’s many gifts, and in order to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, we should appreciate it. According to environmentalist John…

Fighting the Stigma: Mental Health in Athletes

Fighting the Stigma: Mental Health in Athletes

** Warning: this article discusses mental health and suicide. “We have to put the person before the student and the athlete otherwise we lose all…

Autism Acceptance Month

Autism Acceptance Month

Image source: April marks Autism Acceptance Month an Saturday, April 2, 2022 was recognized as World Autism Awareness Day. This day was first recognized…

Does Social Class Influence the Sports You Play?

Does Social Class Influence the Sports You Play?

Within sports, inequalities often reflect the larger concerns in society when it comes to gender inequity, homophobia and transphobia, or racial discrimination. Social classes, hierarchical…

The Importance of Electrolytes

The Importance of Electrolytes

In the grand scheme of things, many people aren’t conscious about their electrolyte levels. However, electrolytes are more important to your body and health then…

LGBTQ Representation in Sports

LGBTQ Representation in Sports

Major controversy continues to surround the LGBTQ population and athletics, whether it is in high school sports, or even nationally in elite athletic competitions like…

How Many Black Coaches Does the NFL Have?

How Many Black Coaches Does the NFL Have?

In a 32 team league where around 70 percent of players are black, currently, the NFL has only one Black head coach. The NFL continues…

Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

“History looks different with the contributions of women included.” As you may or may not know, March is a month dedicated to celebrating the contributions…

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

March marks Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness month. This day was first celebrated in 2003 by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise awareness, educate society,…

PMS – What It Is and How to Relieve It

PMS – What It Is and How to Relieve It

Have you ever experienced a sudden depression or anxiety without a specific reason before your menstruation? Maybe you have never noticed before, but those symptoms…

Benefits of Lifting Weights

Benefits of Lifting Weights

    Introduction: Want to improve as an athlete? Are you practicing but seeing little to no results in your performance? Try lifting weights. Lifting…

When Competitiveness Becomes Bullying

When Competitiveness Becomes Bullying

Sports may require intensive training and a lot of self-discipline to excel but ultimately, they’re meant to be a fun, rewarding experience. Your teammates become…

All About Lactic Acid

All About Lactic Acid

    The burning sensation in your quads as you sprint up a hill or the soreness in your biceps as you finish your last…

Exercise During Period

Exercise During Period

    Have you ever used period as an excuse to avoid doing exercise? Sometimes cramps and pain hinder athletes ability to exercise on their…

When Studying Meets Staying Active

When Studying Meets Staying Active

  As we’re settling into our bustling schedules and entering the early hours of school, the late nights spent doing homework, and the countless extracurriculars…

Identifying and Challenging Our Thoughts

Identifying and Challenging Our Thoughts

    Introduction: In sports we often experience frustrations or anxiety about different situations. It is helpful to understand the source of our emotions, also…

Triumphing over Defeat: Plus Side of Losing

Triumphing over Defeat: Plus Side of Losing

    It’s never fun to lose. As you watch your opponents celebrate loudly, seeing as the clock ticks down the final seconds, that final…

Core Strength

Core Strength

  During the lockdown this 2020 spring, the obsession over workout videos claiming to grant six-pack abs was real. However, not only are those programs…



    Introduction: The paralympics is a series of sport competitions where those participating are disabled. This year, the paralympics will last for 12 days,…

5 Sports that are Artistic Masterpieces

5 Sports that are Artistic Masterpieces

    While some may not see athletics as a creative field, sports are actually a form of artistic expression. Watching our favorite athletes on…

How to Prevent Heatstroke when Exercising

How to Prevent Heatstroke when Exercising

  Especially in the summer, temperatures rise and heat-related illnesses become more common. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the signs of heat exhaustion so…

A Workout Musical- Benefits of Music on Athletics!

A Workout Musical- Benefits of Music on Athletics!

  Whether you’re listening to your favorite tunes while going on a run or relaxing your body with the sound of sweet melodies, music holds…

7 Ways to Avoid Comparing Yourself to Other Athletes

7 Ways to Avoid Comparing Yourself to Other Athletes

  Introduction Comparing yourself to others as an athlete is inevitable. It’s too easy in sports; there are always ranks, numbers and stats to analyze.…

All About Concussions

All About Concussions

    Introduction: Concussions occur pretty frequently in athletes. “An estimated 3.8 million people get concussions each year in the United States.””And 5 percent of…

Artistry in Athletics

Artistry in Athletics

  How entwined are creativity and athleticism? Art and athletics appear to be in completely different spheres of their own and many students often find…

Developing a Healthy Body Image

Developing a Healthy Body Image

    Introduction: The media often depicts women in an unrealistic manner. We are shown models with what is deemed as the perfect body. The…

Periods in Sports

Periods in Sports

    Introduction: Periods are always a nuisance but for athletes periods are utterly despicable. We can’t change the fact that periods are a normal…

Islamophobia Rooted in Sports

Islamophobia Rooted in Sports

    As of April 2021, the French Senate has voted in favor of banning “conspicuous religious symbols” in sports events and competitions, which includes…

Asians in Sports

Asians in Sports

    Introduction These last few months have seen a rise in Asian hate crimes, bringing home the realities of painful racism that the AAPI…

Benefits of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga

    Introduction Stressed from school? Tired body from sports? Out of touch? Regularly practicing yoga has a plethora of physical and mental benefits for…

Mental Health Stories

Mental Health Stories

    TRIGGER WARNING: This post discusses eating disorders, disordered eating, and body dysmorphia. Please prioritize your wellbeing and click off this article when necessary…

Color Psychology in Sports

Color Psychology in Sports

  Introduction Walking through a flood of uniform color could be an exhilarating experience – you feel as if you are part of something greater…

7 Alternate Cardio Workouts

7 Alternate Cardio Workouts

  The most effective workout is one that is enjoyable! You should love what you’re doing and use your motivation as fuel. We hear a…

Interview with Nicole Zizzi: Dance and Autism Awareness!

Interview with Nicole Zizzi: Dance and Autism Awareness!

  We are thrilled to share our interview with Nicole Zizzi!   Nicole is a lifelong dancer, founder of Evolve Dynamicz, a master’s student in…

Time Management for Athletes

Time Management for Athletes

    With spring sports in full swing and AP exams just around the corner, spring can feel like a never-ending sprint! It’s easy (and…

Tips to Cope with Performance Anxiety!

Tips to Cope with Performance Anxiety!

Today is the big day, the competition you’ve been training for for years and months. Each practice, each workout, each drop of sweat has prepared…

My Favorite Pancake Recipes

My Favorite Pancake Recipes

    What’s the best breakfast on weekend mornings, snow days, or any day at any time? Pancakes! I love pancakes, and I’m going to…

Will Weight Lifting Make Me “Bulky”?

Will Weight Lifting Make Me “Bulky”?

    If you walk into a gym, most of the women occupy the cardio machines and most of the men lift weights. That’s because…

6 Strategies to Motivate Yourself to Train!

6 Strategies to Motivate Yourself to Train!

    At times, we stand in our own way as we strive for a certain goal. Our thoughts could act as obstacles that hinder…

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport – What is it? RED-S Series Part 1!

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport – What is it? RED-S Series Part 1!

  Deep down, something isn’t right.   Your bones ache. Your body is heavy with constant exhaustion. Your mind is in a perpetual fog.  …

5 Fun Food Ideas for the New Year! – Food Positivity

5 Fun Food Ideas for the New Year! – Food Positivity

    2020 is finally coming to a close, and 2021 is fast approaching! There is a lot of hope and promise for 2021, and…

Plant-Based Diet Myths: Can Athletes Get Enough Protein?

Plant-Based Diet Myths: Can Athletes Get Enough Protein?

    **Disclaimer: this post does not serve to endorse any diet**   We’ve all heard about preachy vegans- but what about preachy carnivores? One…

7 Steps to a Diet Culture-Free Holiday!

7 Steps to a Diet Culture-Free Holiday!

    With Hannukah coming to a close, Christmas in less than two weeks, Kwanzaa immediately after that, and 2021 (?!?!?!) right around the corner,…

Do I really need to Warm Up and Cool Down?

Do I really need to Warm Up and Cool Down?

    I know how you feel- the last thing I want to do before jumping into a fun exercise class is to warm up.…

Gaining Confidence – Dyumna’s Story!

Gaining Confidence – Dyumna’s Story!

    Hi, I’m Dyumna Madan and a content writer at resilientHer! I don’t have a major story, but I would like to tell you…

Workout Breakdown: What are Calisthenics?

Workout Breakdown: What are Calisthenics?

  Even if you’ve never heard the word calisthenic, you’ve probably seen it in action either on the gym or even the subway train. Many…

Let’s Stop the Weight Gain Stigma

Let’s Stop the Weight Gain Stigma

In this day and age, weight gain is something that many people look down upon. Diet culture and the media spread a toxic standard of…

Workout comparison: HIIT vs LISS!

Workout comparison: HIIT vs LISS!

  Living in the workout revolution, we are constantly being egged with the latest workout type. But among them, which are the most effective for…

Simple but Effective Stretches for Flat Feet!

Simple but Effective Stretches for Flat Feet!

    I know it’s hard for those who have pes planus (another term for flat feet) to perform physical exercises to their fullest, especially…

D1 Gymnast and Mental Health Advocate – Interview with Anna Glenn!!

D1 Gymnast and Mental Health Advocate – Interview with Anna Glenn!!

  We are thrilled to introduce our latest interview with the one and only Anna Glenn!   Anna Glenn was a gymnast in the UCLA…

Lauren’s ACL Journey

Lauren’s ACL Journey

    Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, I’m a senior in high school, and I’m a content creator at resilientHer! As mentioned before in…

NEW RESOURCE: Introducing our EBOOK!

NEW RESOURCE: Introducing our EBOOK!

  Hey all! I’m so excited to announce an extraordinary project! I have been working on this for months, and it is finally finished!  …

The Importance of Rest Days

The Importance of Rest Days

  There’s often the common misconception that the more, the better. Don’t get me wrong; it is healthy and beneficial to maintain a consistent schedule…

Meet a Future Chiropractor: Lena Kortis!

Meet a Future Chiropractor: Lena Kortis!

  Hello! I hope you all are having a great start to autumn! We are so excited to announce our third interview at resilientHer with…

The Silent Battle: Depression in Athletes

The Silent Battle: Depression in Athletes

  Trigger warning: This post discusses depression and suicide.   Nothing.   What used to excite you is now an impossible chore. You’re always exhausted…

The Dangers of Overstretching

The Dangers of Overstretching

  From needles to gravity-defying splits, feats of flexibility are just so breathtaking and stunning. Watching dancers and gymnastics perform, it’s inevitable to wish for…

What is an ACL Injury?

What is an ACL Injury?

  Imagine an athlete at the top of their game coming to a screeching halt because of a life-altering injury: tearing their ACL. Athletes of…

Performance Anxiety in Volleyball

Performance Anxiety in Volleyball

  It’s your first game, and they put you as a starter. You are still learning the rotations and safeties if someone reacts the wrong…

The Truth Behind Athlete Burnout

The Truth Behind Athlete Burnout

Imagine being stuck in this loop: constant training, yet you’re seeing no improvements. Your coaches are frustrated, you’re frustrated, and you’re falling behind the rest…

How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food as an Athlete – Collab with @holiztic_health!

How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food as an Athlete – Collab with @holiztic_health!

  Hello everyone! Today’s blog post is a collab with Elizabeth Gunner, the amazing woman behind @holiztic_health! She is a registered dietitian-nutritionist and the co-host…

5 Reasons Why Sleep Matters!

5 Reasons Why Sleep Matters!

    It’s early in the morning, and the sun isn’t out yet. You managed to pull yourself out of bed after several snoozes and…

3 Must-Try Recipes for Athletes! – Collab with @bon.athlete

3 Must-Try Recipes for Athletes! – Collab with @bon.athlete

  Hey guys! We are so excited to announce our very first collab with @bon.athlete! This beautiful page is run by Emilia (Milly) Murdock, a…

Why Cross-Training Matters

Why Cross-Training Matters

    If you’re an athlete, you’ve likely heard the term “cross-training” being used by coaches, fitness trainers, and fellow athletes as a new training…

What is sports medicine?

What is sports medicine?

    Hi guys! Welcome to resilientHer, a sports medicine blog! My mission is to empower female athletes to reach their full potential by promoting…