
a sports medicine + social justice org


Training Strategies

Training and Performance


Injury Prevention and Nutrition

Mental Health

A Healthy Mindset


Athletes and Professionals

A Guide to Tendonitis

A Guide to Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a common injury among athletes and occurs when the tendons in your body become inflamed. Tendons are the cords of tissue that connect…

Finding Balance and Happiness as a Student-Athlete

Finding Balance and Happiness as a Student-Athlete

Many young adults and teens find it hard to manage their lives whether it be sports, school, a social life, or time for self care.…

Unique Sports from Around the World

Unique Sports from Around the World

Everyone knows about basketball, baseball, football, and soccer. These are the main sports that are given media attention and are appreciated by many around the…

All’s Well When The Team Is Well

All’s Well When The Team Is Well

Being kind to your teammates has benefits that expand past just the emotional well-being of the whole team. Not only can it improve the dynamic,…


Hi! I’m a figure skater, aspiring sports medicine professional, and founder of resilientHer! Email: